Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Church Discipline is Part of "Doing Church"

It is unfortunate that most pastors today are not as concerned about the biblical doctrine of church discipline as our Lord was (Matthew 18:15-20).
When they debate methods of “doing church,” this subject is noticeably missing from the dialogue. It is the type of music, method of outreach, the question of drama and entertainment that is front and center today.
Let someone else deal with church discipline; we will give ourselves to the ministry of the Word. The trouble with that attitude is that church discipline is a doctrine of Scripture.

To any pastor who is serious about “doing church” and understands that church discipline is a crucial part of his responsibility, there are several informative books that I would like to recommend. These books will lay a firm foundation for him to follow and will help him better understand the biblical mandate and method for church discipline:

1. Beyond Forgiveness: The Healing Touch of Church Discipline by Don Baker, published by Multnomah Press. This book deals with the discipline and restoration of a local church staff member.

2. A Journey into Purity by Richard Belcher, published by Rassbury Press. This book deals with the subject of church discipline in a theological novel format and would be a great book to introduce your congregation to the subject.

3. A Guide to Church Discipline by J. Carl Laney, published by Bethany House Publishers. This book lays out the step by step method of church discipline and answers many questions concerning it. The forward is written by John MacArthur.

4. The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter, published by John Knox Press. This puritan classic is a good source of teaching on church discipline. In chapter two, “The Oversight of the Flock,” section 1, “The Nature of this Oversight,” Baxter has an extended treatment on the method of exercising church discipline.

Together, these sources should give a pastor all of the information that he may need to enter upon the important work of church discipline.

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