Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Quotable Spurgeon

Quotes from The Quotable Spurgeon
Harold Publishing Company

From the introduction:

“The great German theologian and pastor Helmut Thielicke stated,” ‘Sell all the books you have…and buy Spurgeon.’”

“At the age of six…being already well able to read…[he] picked up a copy of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.  It fascinated him—actually, he read it over one hundred times during his life.”

“He said, ‘the revealed word awakened me; but it was the preached word that saved me; I now think I am bound never to preach a sermon without preaching to sinners.”

“Spurgeon was also tremendously sensitive to the absolute necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in his pulpit style and ministry.”

“Many things could be said about Spurgeon’s preaching style, but perhaps central to it all was the fact that he was absolutely committed to the full authority of the Scriptures.”

“…for three years there were over one thousand people every Sunday turned away from the ten-thousand-seat-capacity Surrey Gardens Music Hall, where he preached to a packed building before the construction of the Metropolitan Tabernacle building.”

From the section titled “Preaching the Word.” pp. 207 – 232 (other sections include:  Evangelism, Prayer, His Holy Word, Living Faith, God’s Grace, Affliction, Sinful Nature, etc.)

“However learned, godly, and eloquent a minister may be, he is nothing without the Holy Spirit.”

“…men love spiritual warmth.  Cold truth, even cold gospel truth, is never attractive.  Ministers must be fervent, their spirits earnest, and their style energetic, or many will not come to them.  Religion is a dish to be served hot; once it becomes lukewarm it is sickening.  Our baptism must be with the Holy Spirit and with fire if we would win the masses to hear the gospel.”

“Let the preacher give his people food, and they will flock around him, even if the sounding brass of rhetoric and the tinkling cymbals of oratory are silent.”

“The best teachers are those who have labored to be understood by the dullest capacities.  Preachers who all along have aimed to suit the educated never become so simple or efficient as those who have made a point of explaining even the elements [basics] of faith to the ignorant.”

“The church has never had worse enemies than false teachers.  Infidels and persecutors do but mild injury to her, but her heretical preachers have been as evening wolves.”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Although I had heard about Spurgeon all my life, it wasn't until your recent postings about him that I finally started reading his stuff. And, I'm reading Pilgrim's Progress right now, and I often think of Spurgeon while I read, and I wonder what he thought of this passage and of that. And, I have several questions for you from reading Pilgrim's Progress. Glad you'll be here for a visit next week!

    I am also reading Little Pilgrim's Progress to the girls right now, as I told you. We're almost finished with it, and we started only a few days ago. It's very nostalgic -- I remember when you read it to us! My girls beg for more every time I read to them. We talk about it, too.

    Can't wait to hear you preach next week!

    Joanna (your daughter)
