Monday, March 19, 2012

The Da Vinci Code & Biblical Christology

In 1982 the book Holy Blood and the Holy Grail caused a stir by asserting that Jesus fathered a child.  The book postulates the following hypotheses:

1.       Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had at least one child by her.
2.      He and His sympathizers staged His crucifixion and resurrection. 
3.      Mary Magdalene and her offspring made their way to Southern France to escape the Disciples of Jesus 
      who refused to recognize Mary as the designated leader.
4.      Jesus’ bloodline mixed with the noble families of the Franks and became the basis for the Merovingian 
      Dynasty of the Early Middle Ages.
5.      The Merovingian line extends into the modern noble line of Europe so that Jesus’ descendents are alive 
6.      The bottom line is that Jesus was just a man, no more, no less.  As in the song of Mary Magdalene in Andrew Lloyd Webber's blasphemous "rock-opera" Jesus Christ Superstar, “He’s just a man, and I’ve known so many men before.  In very many ways he's just one more.” 

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is more of the same.  Built on the same Gnostic foundation, it portrays Jesus as a mere man.  Because of this Gnostic teaching, the biblical doctrine of Christology becomes crucial for believers to understand.  Who was Jesus Christ?  Was He a liar,  lunatic, or Lord of all? 

The doctrine of the deity of Christ, that He was God, has been a foundation for Christian orthodoxy from the very beginning of Christian history.  The evidence for the deity of Christ is overwhelming.  B. B. Warfield has written, “You cannot read the New Testament without seeing on almost every page the fact of the deity of Christ, that is, that Jesus Christ was God.  He was not a part of God, not a manifestation of God, He was God.”

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